Saturday, January 31, 2009

Four Levels of Theory

  1. Metatheory being the most abstract and not easily tested;
  2. Grand Theory is a conceptual framework that defines broad perspectives for nursing practice. Examples are: Leininger’s Cultural Care Diversity; Newman’s Health as Expanding Consciousness, and Parse’s Theory of Human Becoming.
  3. Middle Range Theory is moderately abstract and has a limited number of variables. They are able to be tested directly. Mid-range is very useful in nursing research and practice. Theory concepts include Huth and Moore’s Pain Management (Children); Barnard’s Child Interaction; Ruland and Moore’s End of Life Care; Ulbrich’s Exercise as Self Care; Pender’s Health Promotion, and; Younger’s Mastery of Stress.
  4. Practice Theory traces the outline for practice. Objectives are set and actions are set to meet the objectives. Four steps in the development of practice theories are: Factor isolating; factor relating, situation relating, and; situation producing control.

Theories can also be analyzed by types. In nursing, there are four types of theories:Needs; Interaction; Outcome and; Humanistic.